Y'all-entine's Day UFO Event!
We hear it all the time! I've got so many Unfinished Objects -- UFOs!! Who among us doesn't have knit and crochet projects sitting around unfinished, making us feel guilty every time we start a new project and it's still sitting there languishing?! Get those UFOs out of your life! Whether you're stuck on a pattern instruction, don't know how to do a technique, or just can't get excited about that old project, can't get around to seaming or weaving in ends-- we're going to help you get moving!
BUT it's not just about FINISHING projects! Sometimes you need to take a hard look at a project and decide that it's JUST NOT FOR YOU! We'll help you decide if it's really worth your time to finish it. Maybe it's not a good fit. Maybe you don't like the color. Maybe the yarn isn't right for the project. We'll help you let go of those projects that don't spark joy!
Registration is limited.
$5 registration fee
Bring any unfinished object or objects you'd like to talk about and we'll work together as a community to move forward
We'll have both a knit and a crochet facilitator present to help with techniques and pattern instructions.
Bring a snack to share and your drink of choice!
Thursday, February 13, from 5-7 p.m. at Chattanooga Yarn Company inside Northgate Mall